
Welcome Letter

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Saved by Patrice Chambers
on September 13, 2017 at 10:12:50 am

Welcome Letter for Parents  

Dear Parents,

Welcome!. We have a very busy and exciting year in store for us!

Before I give you a short preview of some of the subjects to be covered during the course of this year, let me first introduce myself. I am Patrice Chambers and I have lived in West Deptford since 1997. This will be my 14th year teaching in the district and I consider myself very fortunate to be among such a professional faculty.

I realize that teaching your child is a privilege, as well as a tremendous responsibility. I will do my best this year to ensure that each student has a motivating and safe learning experience in the classroom. However, I cannot do this alone: I need your help. We both need to be partners in the learning process. I need each of you to encourage your child at home by helping to ensure that they have completed their assignments, and help them study for quizzes, if necessary. Finally, I have included some information that may help answer some of your questions about our classroom. I know with your help we are going to have great year!




If your child is absent, they must bring a written excuse with them upon their return to school.  

 Class Rules

West Deptford High School school rules are in your student booklet and are expected to be followed.

Our class rules are:

Respect the rights and property of yourself, adults, and other students.

Solve problems peacefully.

Dedicate yourself to learning.

Prior to giving the student a discipline referral slip, the following steps will take place:

First violation

Verbal warning

Second violation

Teacher-Student conference

Third violation

Teacher Detention

Fourth violation

Discipline slip sent home to be signed by parent. Teacher will phone parents regarding slip.


Feel free to call me, email or make an appointment to meet with me before or after school. Also, if you or your child has a question about homework, please do not hesitate to go to my wiki page or check student agenda book. 


The grading scale, as required by the West Deptford Middle School as follows:



98 – 100



94 – 97



90 – 93



86 – 89



82 – 85



78 – 81



74 – 77



70 – 73



69 and below

Grades will be determined by daily class work, quizzes, tests, projects and student effort.

Homework and Quizzes

Written homework will usually be assigned on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of each week. In most cases, time has been allotted in the classroom to begin the assignment. There will also be several projects and/or writing assignments throughout the year that require more time to complete.

Each student is assigned a homework assignment book which will be brought home each day. I will sign it each day and ask that you sign it at home each evening, acknowledging that you are aware of your child's homework assignment.



I encourage each student to bring with them a trade book from home. However, we do have a class library where each student can select a book. Students should be reading at home for at least 15 minutes each day, Monday through Thursday. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of reading.



1  2” binder

1 marble notebook

3 x Packages of 3x5 index cards

#2 Pencils

Highlighter marker



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